Monitoring Vaccine Safety
Immunisations save millions of lives each year. However, it’s natural to worry about potential side effects from vaccinations.
Like any medicine, there can be side effects. Most vaccines have minor expected side effects as the body’s immune system is stimulated. These include low grade fever, pain or redness at the injection site, as the body’s immune system is stimulated. However, serious adverse events from vaccination are rare.
It is important to monitor reactions to vaccines to ensure ongoing patient safety.
With SmartVax, you can now play a role in monitoring the safety of vaccines in Australia.
How Does It Work?
SmartVax is used in general practices and immunisation clinics across Australia.
Approximately 3 to 5 days after vaccination, you will receive a text or email message with a link to a brief survey about the nature, severity and duration of any reactions you may have experienced.
What Happens With The Information?
Your GP is informed of any medically attended reactions.
The data provided, with all personal information removed, is also monitored by AusVaxSafety – a national vaccine safety surveillance system led by the National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance (NCIRS) and funded by the Australian Government Department of Health.
The information provided through SmartVax helps to ensure ongoing patient safety and confidence in the safety of vaccines.